Afrofuturisms: Then and Now—Visions, Imaginings, Transformations
Text Excerpt
»When the values of a system are recognized as being racist, corrupt, neocolonial, etc., this changes the way in which disruptions to their processes are perceived: glitches, hacks, and errors become potentialities and tools of artistic expression. Afrofuturism understands the futuristic imagination as a fundamental strategy for transforming current conditions. With its diverse approaches to content, methodologies, and aesthetic forms, Afrofuturism is a constantly self-differentiating field that continuously offers up new futures. Like the rising sun, which announces its arrival by illuminating the horizon and initially casts long shadows when it is still low in the sky, Afrofuturist art and literature help us to acknowledge the long shadows of the colonial past while directing our gaze toward a future that will brighten our present day.«